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About Adam's Crane

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We named it Adam's Crane because Nelson is still a small city and I've been in the industry here for over 20 years. Many will already know me and how I like to operate, so it seemed logical to have Adam in the name. I enjoy the different aspects of crane hire, especially being involved in people's projects at key times.


I'm a big fan of the outdoors and being active. Crane hire allows me to work outside, enjoy different sites and get around the region . Married to Nicola, we have two daughters who keep us on our toes. Being in business lets us put our spin on how service should be. We look forward to providing partnership for your project. 

Environment & Sustainability

We care about the environment and spend our free time in the outdoors. We are mindful we're in an industry that is still reliant on fossil fuels, so are doing our bit using the latest model crane with a EUROMOT 5/ tier 4 engine for reduced fuel consumption. 


Through innovation we have further reduced our carbon footprint by equipping the crane with its own counterweight trailer, cutting out the need for a support truck. Less emission, reduced consumption and end of life waste. We are focused on making our operation as efficient as possible.

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